Additional Roles Team

Primary Care Networks have been given funding to provide additional roles to create bespoke multi-disciplinary teams within their individual network. 

PCN’s assess the needs of their local population and, working with local community services, make support available to people where it is most needed.


Unity PCN has selected the following roles to join the Additional Roles Team

Clinical Pharmacists

For the provision of specialist medication and lifestyle advice. Clinical Pharmacists will be able to perform medication reviews and advise of any changes needed to your prescription. They may be involved in monitoring your long-term illness. They will become key members of a multi-professional Care Home Team who will be responsible for the provision of enhanced health in Care Homes. 

First Contact Physiotherapists

First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) are highly skilled practitioners with specialist knowledge of musculoskeletal (MSK) problems. They will be able to help you with mechanical pain through timely interventions including exercise, lifestyle advice, and pain management.

Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Technicians undertake specific projects to promote the safety and quality of prescribing across the PCN. They will contact patients to carry out checks and offer advice and guidance on matters concerning medications. Pharmacy Technicians will also be a key part of the Care Home Team.

Physician Associates

Physician Associates (PAs) are healthcare professionals who help provide care for patients. Physician Associates always work under the direct supervision of a named GP. 

PAs can take a medical history, perform examinations and diagnose patients with a wide range of health problems. While PAs currently do not have prescribing rights, they can prepare prescriptions for GPs to review and issue.

Social Prescribers

Social Prescribers are able to assist with non-medical problems by identifying needs and finding solutions by putting the patient in touch with the most appropriate organisation to help. Social Prescribers have a firm understanding of the range of options and local services available to patients. This may include signposting to community groups or voluntary workers.

Enhanced Nurse

Enhanced level nursing describes a level that can only be delivered by registered nurses who have gained additional post-registration education and experiential learning in a relevant subject area.

This level can be applied to the full range of registered nurse careers. The enhanced level is differentiated from other levels by a registered nurse’s expertise in applying specific knowledge and skills to a designated area. For example, this could be a client group, skill set or in an organisational context

In Unity PCN we have partnered with Comptonhospice to provide an advanced nurse who specialises in end of life care and works with our care home team.

Primary care mental health worker

Primary mental health practitioners are qualified healthcare professionals who are practitioners in mental health.  They work into a doctors (GP’s) surgeries.

They can help with common mental health difficulties such as anxiety, stress and low mood