About Us

Who We Are

Unity Primary Care is a Wolverhampton based General Practice Federation.

The launch of Unity Primary Care heralds the start of a new era in healthcare for the diverse community of Wolverhampton.

Wolverhampton is one of a few Millennium Cities with a population of approximately 260,000 based in the West Midlands and is one of the largest cities making up the Black Country.

The members of Unity Primary Care are all representatives of 12 practices based across the city.

The practices remain independent organisations, whilst collaborating for the further development of local primary care services.

This collaboration has been prompted by launch of Primary care Networks which seeks to make general practice resilient and fit for the future.

To read more about Primary Care Networks please follow this link. NHSE PCN

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What We Do

The Federation facilitates practices to work together to jointly address matters that cannot easily be resolved by individual practices and offers skills and expertise that an individual practice may find uneconomic to employ, for example improving services for patients, bidding for contracts and sharing best practice.

The Federation seeks to develop new services collaboratively and the first step to doing this has been the creation of more appointments to ensure patients are seen and supported in primary care.

The Federation has realised efficiency by working in larger cohorts. This includes the purchase of a nationally recognised training platform for all the practices, supporting staff training and development.